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InsaneWarps introduces better handling of warps, spawns, tpr and more with new unique mechanics. Locations can easily be set and controlled with permissions and delays. Signs can be used for quick commandless teleports. And add more immersive features like a GTA 5 style teleportation!


Simply download the latest version of InsaneWarps and drop it into your plugins folder. Restart the server and everything is ready to go with no configuration needed! If you want to integrate economy with InsaneWarps, you will need to download and install Vault.


Command Syntax Example Description Permission
/setwarp [name] /setwarp shop Sets a new warp with the specified name iw.warp.setwarp
/delwarp [name] /delwarp shop Deletes the specified warp iw.warp.delwarp
/warp (name) /warp shop Teleports you to the warp iw.warp.* OR iw.warp.[name]
/sethub [name] /sethub shop Sets a new hub with the specified name iw.hub.sethub
/delhub [name] /delhub shop Deletes the specified hub iw.hub.delhub
/hub (name) /hub shop Teleports you to the hub iw.hub.* OR iw.hub.[name]
/setlobby [name] /setlobby shop Sets a new lobby with the specified name iw.lobby.setlobby
/dellobby [name] /dellobby shop Deletes the specified lobby iw.lobby.dellobby
/lobby (name) /lobby shop Teleports you to the lobby iw.lobby.* OR iw.lobby.[name]
/setspawn /setspawn Sets the spawn point for the world iw.spawn.setspawn
/delspawn [world] /dellobby world Deletes the specified world's spawn point iw.spawn.delspawn
/spawn (world) /spawn world Teleports you to the world's spawn point iw.spawn.* or iw.spawn.[world]
/tpr /tpr Teleports you to a random location within the world iw.tpr.use


Permission Description Default
iw.econ.bypass Allows the player to bypass the cost of a teleport op
iw.sign.place Allows placing of InsaneWarp signs op
iw.warp.ignoredelay Allows the player to bypass warp delay op
iw.warp.setwarp Allows the player to set a new warp location op
iw.warp.delwarp Allows the player to delete a warp location op
iw.hub.ignoredelay Allows the player to bypass hub delay op
iw.hub.sethub Allows the player to set a new hub location op
iw.hub.delhub Allows the player to delete a hub location op
iw.lobby.ignoredelay Allows the player to bypass lobby delay op
iw.lobby.setlobby Allows the player to set a new lobby location op
iw.lobby.delete Allows the player to delete a lobby location op
iw.spawn.ignoredelay Allows the player to bypass spawn delay op
iw.spawn.setspawn Allows the player to set a new spawn location op
iw.spawn.delspawn Allows the player to delete a spawn location op
iw.tpr.use Allows the player to use the tpr command true
iw.tpr.ignoredelay Allows the player to bypass tpr delay op
iw.tpr.ignorecooldown Allows the player to bypass tpr cooldown op


The config.yml is simple to understand and setup. Its default values are set to balance existing mechanics with new ones

#Don't change this, we use this for handling config changes
Config Version: 1.0
#Update settings
  Check: true
  Download: false
#Console settings for debugging.
  Debug: false
  Verbose: false
#Language. currently only "EN_US" is supported.
Language: EN_US
  #Whether or not to use economy at all
  Enabled: false
  #Whther or not to allow users with the permission to bypass teleport costs
  Use Bypass Permission: true
#Warp settings. This is exactly the same for hubs, lobbies, and spawns.
    Enabled: false
	Seconds: 5
    Enabled: false
	Seconds: 5
    Enabled: false
	Seconds: 5
	Enabled: false
	Seconds: 5
#Respawn settings
  #Whether or not InsaneWarps should handle respawn events.
  Handle: true
#TPR (Teleport Random) settings
  Enabled: true
	Enabled: false
	Seconds: 5
  # Cooldown settings to prevent abuse
	Enabled: true
	#Default cooldown is 1 hour
	Seconds: 3600
  Cost: 0.0
  #The max distance to teleport the player from the current location
  Max Distance: 1000
  #The list of worlds TPR is enabled in.
   - world
#Teleport mechanics settings
  #GTA Style teleport settings
  GTA Style:
	Enabled: false
	#How many stages there are. GTA 5 has 3.
	Drops Up: 3
	#Y coordinate height to go to.
	Target Y: 150
	#Delay in seconds for each stage.
	Drop Delay: 1
	#Delay in seconds for each stage down.
	Down Delay: 1
	#The sound played for each stage.
      #The sound for 1.8 servers (as the API changed after 1.8)
      1_8: ORB_PICKUP
      #The sound for servers above 1.8 (as the API changed after 1.8)

For the world shares, a very simple format is used.

#default values
world_nether: world
world_the_end: world

#A very simple format example:
world_name_from: world_name_to


InsaneWarps offers signs for more immersive use rather than commands.

InsaneWarps Sign Format

Upcoming Features

- Inventory Menus
- Teleport blocks (like signs, but cool looking blocks)
- Teleport others
- Commands from the console
- Particle effects
- And more!